Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bracket Madness

I have created a group for us on to track our brackets. Group name: $7 Dollar Hotdogs. Password: hotdog. Here are the rules:

1. Anyone who reads the blog and wants to submit a bracket is welcome to do so.

2. Only one bracket submitted to this group per person. You must pick the one bracket you think is your best. Anyone who submits more than one bracket is disqualified.

3. The losers must bow down to the winner!

I am not entirely sure but I think I won it last year. So good luck to everyone in trying to knock off the champ!

1 comment:

Melynda said...

Well I vote you can submit as many as you want, but you must specify which ONE you are competing with. If one of your random one wins, too bad for you!!! ONLY ONE COUNTS, others are for fun.