Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is it?

This is a great topic! Is baseball the greatest game ever? Is it even "America's Pastime" as so many afficcionados tend to claim? I want to do a little research, my original thought is that it is no longer on top of the big three (four if you're Canadian) sports. I would guess it may even be third of three. I like baseball, but not like Football or Basketball, and i'll make an arguement that America agrees............ This is a great topic for everyone to weigh in on. I'll post my rationale once i have something to back up my gut reaction.

1 comment:

Melynda said...

I'll be the first to admit...perhaps baseball is on the decline in popularity, especially as a result of the steroids and other controversies. Plus, I'm sure that there will be LOTS of recent studies, stats etc that say baseball isn't as popular as it once was. However...what other sport has the long rich history of baseball? What other sport began in the 1880's and is still going strong to this day? What sport helped America turn their attention off of tragedies of WWII? Here's a wasn't football or basketball!!! Basically my point is this, baseball is admittedly not as grand as it once was, but I argue it is the greatest sport because nothing else can compete with its rich history, nothing!